18 May 2013

Top 10 Moments from @bunnysuicida

Being a shameless self promoter, when asked by King Bingus if I could write a companion piece to his top 10 moments of Raw, I of course jumped at the chance. So I'm stepping away from the Suicida Appraisal articles to tell you dear reader about some of the moments in wrestling that will love long in my memory. I suppose I'd better prepare you for some "left-field" entries but this is my list, and you'll have plenty of time to tell me I've got my head up my backside after you've read it, okay? Good, so without further ado, in no particular order, my top ten moments of wrestling.

10.  Who's next?

For everything WCW did wrong, one thing that no-one can argue that it didn't get wrong was the rise of Bill Goldberg, the former Atlanta Falcon turned one man wrecking crew. Goldberg's legendary winning streak was a thing of beauty, and a genuine highlight of Monday Nitro as Bill marched down to the ring, breathing fire and murdered his opponent with insane power moves. This put him on a collision course with Hollywood Hogan, leader of the nWo and the man who held the World Heavyweight Championship in a chokehold. The setting for this showdown was in Atlanta itself, both Goldberg's home town & WCW's base of operations, and in front of a sold out crowd of very vocal fans, arguably the biggest match in WCW history would take place. The stage was set earlier in the night as Goldberg defended his United States championship against Scott Hall, thus earning a match with Hogan in the main event. Being honest, the mechanics of the match are pretty standard, given Goldberg's limited ability and well, Hogan, what makes this special to me is the atmosphere, this whole deal feels like a very special occasion and everyone involved played their role to perfection, even the much maligned WCW commentary team, the crowd too are salivating at the prospect of their hometown hero defeating the wicked Hogan, even going so far as to cheer the opening bell, which is very rare nowadays. This was the peak of WCW and while it's easy to remember the Russo booked lunacy that would characterise WCW's latter days, it's this point that I choose to remember when thinking of WCW.

16 May 2013

King Bingus Top 10 .... RAW moments

We all have our favorite wrestling moments. We all have those memories of watching wrestling and thinking that we have just seen something amazing, surprising, special, historic and even sometimes funny. Or it may be that you have been to a live show and caught up in the atmosphere made in the arena and created a bit of an emotional attachment to the show.
I wouldn't blame you, live shows are 1010 times better than they come across on TV. 

Many of these moments for wrestling fans, with good chance, would have been provided by WWE PPV or TV. These moments maybe in form of backstage interviews or brawls, in ring action or promos, or a formation of new a team. WWE's Monday night, flagship, weekly, episodic, longest running, highest tweeted, most viewed show on TV, 3 hour, RAW could also be responsible for your favorite moments in wrestling.

This is a quick look at my personal favorite Raw moments and little bit on why I like them so much.

10.  RAW IS JERICHO - August 9 1999

By this point I had become fully immersed with in WWE and was just so into the whole product. Every week just seemed to deliver more gold than the last and I had been getting hyped by a countdown to the millennium clock on Raw.
I was a complete spoiler free kid watching Raw in a TV lounge of a hotel in Spain with a dozen or so kids all as compelled by wrestling as me. 
When the countdown clock interrupted none other than The Rock we knew what ever was about to happen was gonna be big. Then this guy who I didn't recognize appeared and a couple of the other kids in the lounge piped up by telling us he was a WCW wrestler. It was at that point I knew we was in for a treat and what followed just pumped me up more.
This made it to the top 10 not only because of the debut it self but also what that moment gave us WWE fans.

9 May 2013

Guest Article for The Wrestling Chronicle

I would like to thank Erik over at The Wrestling Chronicle for giving me the chance to write a guest article for the site.

The post is all about Kofi Kingston and the struggle he has getting through his glass ceiling with in the WWE.
I take a look at his first few years on the roster and go on to talk about a few of the problems he has run into icluding speedy pushes and slow dry patches. His career some what seems to picking up and dropping gears every other few months and I think a performer as talented as him should be used to his capabilities.

The full post can be read at http://www.thewrestlingchronicle.com/2013/05/wake-up-and-smell-kofi.html

If you are a young wrestling fan wanting to learn or an older fan who wants to hear some positive and constructive views follow Erik on Twitter @wrestlingchron , download the piledriver podcast and go and like The Wrestling Chronicle on Facebook.

Can WWE see me?

This week on Twitter I got involved in a conversation with @IfinRatedR and @VegasKustom about WWE ignoring its core fan base and investing too much time and effort in the younger fan base.
I'm 26 years old, I have been watching wrestling (mostly exclusively WWE) for the best part of 21-22 of these years and I was questioning do WWE care about people in the same bracket and older? Or are they focused solely on the CeNation Army munchkins?
Honestly, I feel it is both.

Unless you've just crawled out of the boiler room of you will know that WWE is PG. This simply means, of course it is directed at the young audience. Over the past several years WWE has changed from the blood soaking - boobie bouncing - weapon wielding - bird flipping - gritty - bonkers world it once was. It now prefers the family friendly - hand clappy - lady skipping - shiny glossy world.
This to me still doesn't prove that WWE has lost touch with the older bunch. Not even close.
Sure we can bang on all day about Cena running the place in Superman mode for the kids to cheer and adore, but we had Hogan doing the exact same thing! Sure the Hulkster only had two colours at the time but he still came out in the brightest yellow and reds, was all wholesome and all patriotic, put across messages of goodness and was cleaner than a DDP smile.

5 May 2013

Let's talk. Cena heel?

Being a wrestling fan you may of heard of a guy who has won championships, been on TV almost  every week over the past 10 years, appears on least 11 out of 12 PPVs, gets mixed reviews from fans around the world and has worked as hard as anyone in the WWE today. In my opinion he's still not given the credit he deserves, the guy is a work horse and does whats asked of him, in what seems to be, every instance. You know exactly who I mean, but before you go saying "Ugh! Had enough of reading about this guy and what everyone thinks of him" don't worry. I'm not gonna bang on all day about Michael Cole, as the title suggests I'm here to talk about John Cena.
To be exact I wanna talk about the potential and idea of Cena turning heel. If you have ever been on twitter and seen anything about Cena on there, chances are it's about one of a few things;
1. Cena is WWEs god and can do no wrong and is the best of the best of the best of the bestest best!
2. Cena sucks and needs to be heel by next week or I'm tuning out
3. Cena sucks and needs to die.
Now point number 3 needs to stop. If you are wishing death upon a performer for doing their job, a job you would wear your own testicles as earrings to do, you are a shabby human being and need to do some thinking about your own life.
Points 1 and 2 have some real merrit to be discussed further. 
Whether you like him or not, whether you buy into the character or not, there is no reason to totally discount the first two points. 

4 May 2013

Welcome to King Bingus Wrestling, Post the 1st

Hello and Thank you for visiting King Bingus Wrestling.

I have been a wrestling, more so a WWE fan for over 20 years.
Don't get it twisted I do enjoy any and all wrestling I see, not including that blood soaked - botch fest - storyless tripe that is "backyard" trash however WWE has been my mainstay since childhood just like most if not all wrestling fans of this era.

Growing up watching such legends as Randy Savage and Ric Flair to over the top characters as Million Dollar Man and Sgt.Slaughter, and personal heroes like Davey Boy Smith and of course Hulk Hogan never failed to keep me entertained and glued to the TV. I was introduced to this amazing spectacle by an Uncle of mine who got me a copy of SummerSlam '88 on VHS which I watched over and over until I had pretty much learned the whole show line for line. From there I pestered my family to get me all the tapes they could find of WWE for birthdays, Christmas, Easter.......Tuesdays...

As satellite television started rolling out through the UK I was able to catch a little more wrestling from time to time and resorted on borrowing any tapes my relatives or friends were able to record for me. After a while I kinda lost effort in trying to keep up with WWE and around 1995-1996 I had pretty much stopped watching all together. It wasn't until 1999 when my mum got Sky TV for our home and I knew I was able to watch WWE when ever it was on. Later that week I spotted Royal Rumble on the listings and tuned in straight away. The first thing I saw was some guy swing a chair at this other guy wearing a shirt, tie and mask, the swing missed its target, bounced of the ropes and rebounded into the first guys face. As the match went on I knew I was watching something different to what I'd been used to watching years previous. The match was indeed The Rock vs Mankind for the WWE Championship in a "I QUIT" match. This match got me hooked in a new way...I had found my lifetimes hobby, interest and all favourite form of entertainment on any platform.

Since then I have stayed tuned into WWE and had dabbled with WCW and ECW when I could find it on tape or DVD, however living in the UK WWE was much easier to find than its competition. Once I got the internet I become a fan on a whole new level. Wrestling and WWE was now a couple of clicks away and I could now catch up with what I'd missed out on a few years prior. After a short while in came YouTube and it all changed again. I was now able to watch WWE on a completly new level and also talk with other fans around the world.

The evolution of my wrestling fanhood has recently turned to twitter where I have been able to talk with true wrestling fans in some depth over time.... Well, as much as 140 characters allows. Thats my main beef with twitter 140 characters just isn't enough to say what I wanna say. So the evolution continues. I have started this blog for somewhere to talk about what I'm passionate about with people who also have anything from a slight passing interest to any superfan who lives and loves wrestling.
I'm not here to proclaim that I am all knowledgeable and what I say is always right, I am not dumb enough to think I know everthing! By talking with as many fans as possible the possibilities of learning more about wrestling are endless.

Wrestling fans no matter what some may think are some the most passionate and loyal fans of any form of entertainment and I am really looking forward to reading and hearing what you all have to say and with the help from each one of you make a positive wrestling community based around true fans of WWE and true fans of wrestling.