22 Feb 2014

Q&A with Kendra Creek

IWC? You know that thing right? It's pretty much a big deal to you if you're reading this. Internet Wrestling Community..... Community. Nope, not a nod to Kennedy Anderson but an emphasis on community. 

Since "joining" the IWC I've been amazed on how many people I've had the chance to talk with via keyboard or Skype. Whether people actually take in, listen or even care what I say, I just love being able to be a part of something like this.

The people that make up the IWC are just like a real physical community. Each person has their own life, story, experiences and I want to personally get to know some of the IWC pillars better. I do what I can on twitter but it can be quite impersonal and always very short, so I've started reaching out, tapping a few shoulders and trying to get know you all. Podcasts, interviews even plain emails I love taking part.

Kendra Creek is one of the people I reached out for a short interview. I'm very grateful and happy she took the time to give it a go. 
If you wanna find out a little more about the Miss @kendra_creek please read on and give her a shout! She would do disgusting things with Ric Flair, if you dig that kinda thing.

Kendra Creek


Where are you?
I live in Evansville Indiana, which is a town of about 100,000 people. I grew up in a small town in southern Indiana, with about 800 people.

When and how did you become a fan of WWE?
I became a fan of WWE in April 2012. My brother has always had a love for wrestling, and I just started watching one day.

How did you get involved with the IWC?
I started an account on Twitter in February 2013. I saw something Martin Dixon tweeted from the bunny suicida account and started following him. He was hilarious and introduced me to everyone at 4CR.