18 Aug 2013

Let's talk. SummerSlam

SummerSlam is only bested by Wrestlemania in my opinion both in historic value and importance.
It has been home to many great and memorable moments and is one of the big four monthly shows, never dropped or moved around the calendar and has always held a certain amount of significance even in its early days.

Tonight sees SummerSlam on its 26th birthday, further solidify its status as the "Biggest event of the Summer" with a main event that has got me itching to see. The potential pay offs that could happen are everything a Attitude fan could want, with the McMahons and Triple H playing extras in the John Cena / Daniel Bryan feud over the WWE Championship and Randy Orton lurking in the shadows with his MiTB briefcase in tow, this could really be a landscape changing night.

During the go home episode of RAW John Cena teased a little .... Attitude Adjustment (seriously no pun intended)...of his own and gave Bryan a dry slap in retaliation over being told he wasn't a wrestler. Is this a little heel tease?

I'm dying to see a new side of Cena as much as the next guy, but I don't see it happening in reality. Partially down to the rumour he's taking time off after SummerSlam. It wouldn't make much sense turning just to leave, surely it'll be the anticlimax of the Summer if it did happen. Maybe a heel return but can't see him leaving as one.
Either way tonight could be the start of a new chapter in Cena's lengthy career (It's gone from 10 years strong to 12 years in 6 months apparently)

Mr. COO, Triple H who has a great SummerSlam history is the appointed official so the 1-2-3 is actually in his hand. Hunter has the power to help or screw who he wants here, even it's helping both superstars from getting screwed by McMahon or McMahons.
Triple H may call it straight down the middle to the last second and then screw either guy. Could Trips actually be on side with McMahons all along?
It maybe his role on the PPV could be for after the main event, he may call the Cena vs Bryan match down the middle just to screw the winner and assist Randy Orton to win after he cashes in.

I'm not claiming any of this is true or will happen. Hell I'd love none of this to happen so I can actually be shocked and happy with paying for this event.
The main event is what I'm really hyped for but with Punk and Lesnar about to put on a solid punch up I'm hoping at least two matches tonight will leave me hanging on for RAW tomorrow night.

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