22 Sept 2013

There is no pleasing some

To paraphrase the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln,

You can please some of the people some of the time, All of the people some of the time, Some of the people all of the time but you can never please All of the people all of the time.

Right now in within the IWC this is true in regards to the WWE and it's a great shame. 2013 has shaped up to be a truly remarkable year for WWE with the use of new talent, making good use of established names and heading in a new direction. Keeping well within their PG shackles they have proved they can still make for brilliant TV and top flight action.

Prior to 2013's momentum the IWC and the Universe was up in arms, screaming for a new face to take over from Cena. Of course we had the Summer of Punk but Cena was still taking charge in most of that, champion or not. 
Many of us felt disgruntled, feeling like the WWE was ignoring its "key & most important" fan sector. Truth being WWE was just doing what its always done in cycles and thats pull in its new fan base. The future fan base, without which they wouldn't be able to entertain anyone let alone the "key & most important" fan base.
If you're a twitterer there's a very good chance you've seen a tweet or two today professing that the Attitude Era needs to come back and use "real" wrestlers.

I don't need to tell you what's great with WWE right now and if I did I would need to write a full post dedicated to that. RAW is getting better month in, month out right now and the storytelling is taking a throw back pace thats the bones of it.
The talent is coming in thick and fast with names and talent getting to WWE Land that I would never have guessed would make it to national TV. Not that they're bad, like Matt Striker told Colt on the Art of Wrestling podcast, being a good all round performer doesn't necessarily mean you'll make it to WWE TV, but I just would have never bet a penny they would find their way on to WWE.
The recent talk of best for business from the COO has lead into a new breed of promo, where wrestling jargon is becoming more and more frequent and is blurring kayfabe lines all over.

Does this mean WWE is smartening up with its ever increasing know it all fans? All the change is here and or is happening yet I still keep finding posts, tweets and comments get all anti over WWE.
People are negging out about some random midcarder not being pushed to the moon and back, some are whining that Bryan needs to win & keep the WWE or they'll get tired of the angle and tune out. There's some who think WWE needs to be TV-14 in order to be at its best.

With WWE looking like it is ready to explode into a new mainstream phenomena like the late 80's and late 90's who are we to argue that they aren't doing it right? Sure opinions are great. They are the basis to any conversation or debate. But when I'm being told that everything is wrong in wrestling because there isn't enough tits, arse, blood, swearing, things aren't booked right and that Ambrose isn't champion I just feel deflated.

Pro wrestling is a bombastic form of entertainment, over the top and outlandish. This does not give the excuse for fans to act in the same way. If you are not happy with what you are watching pick up the remote, move that cursor and watch something else, anything else. 
I don't know how to book a wrestling angle. I don't know why some talents fall by the wayside. I don't know why WWE does some of things it does.
What I do know is that there are people that have been involved with the business longer than my parents have been alive, that are behind what I see on TV. I may be naive, but I believe they are doing what's best or at least what doing what they believe is best for business.

Like this man right here

Now I've got that off my chest I really hope WWE keeps up the momentum!


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