26 Mar 2014

Fast Three Count with @WrestlingChron

My good pal Erik from the The Wrestling Chronicle sent me this Fast Three Count.

Paul Heyman

Possibly wrestlings 2nd biggest genius behind McMahon. I gotta believe that his only downfall with the business is his love for the business. I get the impression he's too much of a purist and actual wrestling fan to achieve what McMahon has done business wise.
On screen he is easily one of the best talkers and knows exactly how to tap into a audiences head. Heel, face, manager, commentator, promoter or writer I love what he does.

Bobby Heenan

Never understood how great this man is until the internet came about. Yeah I'd seen him on the commentary table and managing but I was too young and simple minded to appreciate the brains behind The Brain. 
A truly magical wrestling personality and just as entertaining as anyone who has stepped foot in or around the ring.
Now in a loud clear voice say with me "We the Weasel!".

Jim Cornette

Watching Cornette as youngster I knew he was different from other on screen characters. I never knew it at the time but it's because he works from the hip and shoots the script. 
Looking back he seems to have been a bit of a line blurrer. 
I still find him awkward to watch be it on a show or shoot interview, he's never caught my interest and he held a tennis racket for some reason.

Thanks to @WrestlingChron for giving me the #FastThreeCount. Go and check out the thewrestlingchronicle.com for the latest Piledriver Podcast and a knowledge for US independent wrestling and WWE. 

If you have a #FastThreeCount just drop me the hashtag and your three wrestling thingys, doodahs and whatsits on twitter.com/KingBingus.

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